Most people familiar with Rupert Murdoch and his attempt at moving into China know that his wife, Wendi Deng, has been the key figure in trying to make it happen.
While her role has been unofficial as far as News Corp. (
NWS-A) goes, that's about to change as word has gotten out, and evidently confirmed, that Deng will be placed in an official role with the company as it relates to MySpace China.
Her title will be Chief of Strategy for the China effort, which seems to reinforce her seat on the MySpace China board, that will be shared reportedly with MySpace founders Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson.
Deng has worked hard quietly behind the scenes for years on introducing News Corp. into China, and since early 2006 in reference to MySpace entering China, by laying the necessary foundations.
What's really interesting about her new official stature in the company are the implications on a number of fronts. While it's quite possible that she lobbied her husband for the position (and deservedly so), he also has to realize that having her in an official position in the company will raise her in the eyes of the Chinese; an important aspect of their culture.
It will also be the first time she will be out in the public eye to see what she is made of. She'll be covered much more in the press now, and decisions made will be scrutinized much more closely.

With some criticism from his relationship with the Chinese authorities, this may be a way Murdoch gets a much closer handle on what happens with the initiative. Some things outside of his control have given him some bad press, something he doesn't need as he attempts to acquire Dow Jones & Co. (DJ).

The MySpace China site launched in China in April in beta. At this time News Corp. only has a minority stake in the venture.
One other personal aspect is what the members of the Murdoch family think of the potential rival to their stewardship in and of the company by Deng's appointment. Rupert Murdoch isn't exactly a young man anymore, and the issue of who will succeed him hasn't been decided. If Deng, who is 39, succeeds strongly in this, it could make it really interesting to see who will be appointed to follow in Murdoch's footsteps.