Wednesday, March 19, 2008
E.J. Graff asks the question:
Would more pictures bring more outrage?You're damn right they would!
I've thrown down the following challenge:
YES! It's time the US media started to ignore Bush's ban on coffins and bodybags, wounded and dead soldiers.Of course we are becoming used to seeing the dead bodies of Iraqi victims, because they are shown on Arab media. The effect is powerful. For example, Juan Cole today posts a graphic YouTube video extract from an Arab anti-war "opera".
The US media is fully complicit in the lies that lead to this war, and it's time they went out on a limb to make up for their mistakes.
Bring on the photos of the dead "heroes". Bring on the rows and rows of flag-draped coffins. Bring on the video of young men screaming in agony as they die slow painful deaths "for their country". Bring on the lawsuits as Bush & Co try to stop the media from showing the People what is really going on over there.
Remember the outrage when those two US contractors' bodies were shown strung up on a bridge in Falluja? If the people of the USA can get an un-sanitized glimpse of what is really going on today, it could have a similarly jarring effect.
I urge readers to contact their local media organisations and challenge them to defy Bush's ban.
I urge soldiers in the field to take photos and video, and pass them on to the media. Send 'em to TPM and let Josh Marshall lead the way! What say ye, Josh?
If Josh won't publish the pics, there are hundreds of bloggers like myself who will.
"I urge my American readers to try to watch the clip below even though they cannot understand the lyrics. (Though, note to the squeamish: the explicit violence may be hard for some to stomach.)"It's time to shake the tree, folks.

NB: The images posted are are all from http://abutamam.blogspot.com - I have no idea who runs that blog and I don't care. There are far more graphic images here. These photos obviously exist - it's time the "respectable" and "established" US media outlets dared to run them.
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