Thursday, April 10, 2008

Perhaps the most pathetic election bribe last year came from Dolly Downer in September:

"It is true that I've been working with the Chinese in my position not only as an Adelaide MP, but also as the Foreign Minister, to try to get them to lend to us, an Australian zoo, two giant pandas.

"And they've agreed to do it to my own home zoo which my own grandfather was once the president of, so I'm kind of excited about it."
But Dolly never mentioned the $15 million project costs, including $1 million annually to fund conservation efforts in China and $5 million for a new enclosure. Suddenly the deal is looking shaky. Dolly blames Kev (but not for his pro-Tibet human rights talk, of course):
"The Labor government is considering cutting the $5 million.

"If that were to happen, then the project wouldn't go ahead. That of course would be quite a slap in the face of President Hu Jintao."
BWAAAAAA!!!! But wait a minute, Dolly - isn't Moneybags calling for greater budget cuts? Or is that just part of his careful branding exercise:
The Age has been told that leadership aspirant Malcolm Turnbull called colleagues this week, assessing whether there was a mood in the party for a leadership switch.

Arguments for and against a change were canvassed; weighing up perceived risks to the Liberal brand against the long run to the next election.
Let's ask Malcolm if he wants Dolly's pandas flying into Adelaide on special immigrant visas, shall we? And if he doesn't want them, please don't tell that nice Mr Hu. M'kay?

Tra-la-la-la-la-la-laire — nil nisi divinum stabile est...

UPDATE: Rudd has assured Clowner his precious panda project is safe from the razor gang. I suppose people in Adelaide need something to do.


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