Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just for one day, of course:

ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope said the AFP had asked for the increased powers.

"The police powers provide, just for this day, enhanced powers of search and they do prohibit the taking into a designated area certain offensive weapons and certain materials," Mr Stanhope told ABC radio.
Interestingly, Australian police are threatening to arrest Chinese officials if they lay a hand on protestors. But bus-loads of pro-China "supporters" are being shipped in to Canberra, so there will certainly be plenty of PLA security officers on hand.

If you are thinking of going to Canberra next Thursday, the official government site still has no information about the planned route, but The Canberra Times has a leaked an early scoop:
The Olympic torch relay will weave its way past prominent Canberra landmarks, including Parliament House and the Australian War Memorial, and through Civic on its only Australian appearance next week.

One option may also see a rowing eight take the flame across Lake Burley Griffin before runners parade it before thousands of people expected from the ACT and around the country.
HINT: Expect this route to change!


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