Monday, April 14, 2008

Suck On This, Rupert

The Huffington Post reports on a Wall Street Journal parody that has Murdoch incensed:

Highlights of the My Wall Street Journal parody — brought to you by the same team that created the 1982 Off The Wall Street Journal, led by editor-in-chief Tony Hendra — a full-page spread of a topless Ann Coulter (in WSJ stipple-style), a gossip section called "Page Sex," headlines like "Cleaning Lady Sees Virgin In Merrill Lynch Q4 Loss," and "Obitcharies," wishful-thinking obituaries for people vilified by the far right, including Susan Sarandon and Paul Krugman.
This is no fly-by-night operation either. They have printed 250,000 copies for the first run:
Available at all Hudson News stores, Universal Newsstands, Duane Reades and many other newstands in NYC as well as major airports in NY, Chicago, Boston and LA. Also at select Borders and Manhattan Barnes & Noble locations...
Also on sale at! Meanwhile, the Daily Show takes the piss out of FOX News.

Credibility's a bitch, innit? And the News Corpse stock price is also going down.

OTOH it's not all bad news for Murdoch: he just got appointed to the board of Associated Press, on the same day that the AP chairman asked Barack Obama a question about "Obama Bin Laden". His friend Silvio is back in power in Rome. And John W. Howard is promising to do whatever he can to help Murdoch's beloved Liberal Party in Australia:
"I will do everything I can, in a quiet way, to help you," he said, in an apparent dig at the former prime minister Paul Keating.

"I think former prime ministers should give quiet assistance. People were very fair to me when I was there; well, most of them."
Actually, I think he is talking about Malcolm Fraser, who has become one of his biggest critics.


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